You may think that a good opportunity to hit on a woman is just out and about while she is engaging in everyday life activities. She is relaxed, she isn’t overly done up, and she is in her element, so why wouldn’t she want to be approached by an admirer. That is precisely what you shouldn’t do.
Let us clue you in on something fellas. Women who are out doing her own thing aren’t out there secretly hoping to find a man. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. She is out and about for herself, because she needs to get things done, she has plans to meet up with friends, or she just wants to get out of the house. So, this means you should keep your catcalls (which no woman really likes) to yourself.
Sure, we understand that you mean well and just want the chance to start a conversation with someone you find attractive. But, haven’t you ever thought that women find these unsolicited advances unwelcome and tedious? Now you may not think that your one comment warrants an evil eye, but just think… If you are saying something flirtatious, then the chances of others saying something similar isn’t so far off. So in actuality, she may be bombarded by unwanted comments throughout the day, making her feel more like prey rather than a woman.
Your friends and pick-up artists may feed you some BS line that the public approach is a good idea and women welcome these advances, but the truth is they aren’t. In fact, public approaches should not be done at all, and stopped quickly. Women who are approached in a public setting like on the street, in the grocery store, or the gym often feel uncomfortable and unsafe, and it will rarely ever result in a date.
So, you may be asking where is it okay to hit on a woman? The answer is pretty simple when you think about it. Approach a woman who has put herself in a dating environment.
Ideal places where you can meet women who are actually looking to get hit on include the usual haunts: bars and clubs, but you can also approach a woman in an official dating setting like a speed dating event. In these venues, it is important to be able to read body language to see if she is interested in you and welcomes the flirtatious advances.
Of course, if you aren’t as suave as you’d imagine yourself to be, you can always turn to online dating sites and even apps. There are millions of users on these sites and apps who are looking for someone fun and flirtatious to talk to. You have a much better chance of finding success with a woman by these methods than a random approach on the street.
Whatever avenue you choose to get the gal, we implore you to stop the on-the-street approach. It isn’t fun, it isn’t welcomed, and it is just a waste of time — both for you and for her.