How to Flirt with a Woman the Friend Way

Did you know that there was a right way and a wrong way to flirt with a girl? Depending on which way you choose to flirt, she will either want to go out with you or shoot you down without a second thought. So you will probably want to make sure that any impression you leave her with is a good one.
Here are 5 tips that will help you leave a good impression on any woman you flirt with and make her like you. You don’t have to pretend to be Don Juan and ooze romance from the “Hello.” Just start subtly and change the way you flirt around how she reacts to you.
- Be Yourself, but Better
This is the most important step and you can’t fake it. The world is already full of great guys who is looking for a great woman. So once you find a woman that you are interested in you have to be someone she will take notice of. Before you even approach her, he need to be a real man; meaning you have to attract women’s attention.
- Compliment Her ASAP
If you are really into a woman, you should notice things like a new outfit or hairstyle. You’ll want to compliment her! Now, we don’t mean use generic compliments like “You look nice today” or “You smell pretty!” Try using some variation like, “Your dress really looks good on you,” or “Your perfume is intoxicating.” When you put a little more effort into your compliment, she will remember it and remember you.
- Get Some Alone Time In
Flirting is fun in general, but when it’s done one on one, it is that much more exhilarating. It gives you the opportunity to really make her feel special because the things you say and the things you do are for her and her alone. The idea of flirting is to make her feel more special than anyone else in the group, so flirting one on one is ideal.
- Women Like Humor
If you are one of the lucky guys who has a way with words and has the ability to make people laugh then you are good! Women love a man who can make them laugh. Even if you can’t get a good chuckle out of them, if you can get a solid grin, then that is still a good sign. Plus, you don’t have to remember a bunch of one line jokes to be funny — just remember something you came across that was interesting or funny.
- Tease Her Periodically
Flirting may seem like a chore, but if you do it right, it will be quite rewarding. Mind you, flirting isn’t just about saying a few well-placed lines that hide innuendo in the subtext. It can also be something light-hearted and fun like teasing. If you steer the conversation into dating grounds, you need to remind her that there is no pressure and it is all good.