How to Get Out of the Friend Zone in 5 Simple Steps

Every story starts the same. You meet a girl that you’re interested in and you start hanging out. You get along well together and you think she may be into you, but you’re too afraid to make a move. So, months go by and you still haven’t made that move but everything seems the same. So when you finally decide that it is time to tell her your true feelings, she gives you those four words straight to Friendsville, “Let’s just be friends.”
You may think that your chances of falling in love with this girl and whisking her away to some romantic getaway is totally out of the picture, it doesn’t have to be. With these five steps, you may find yourself closer to romantic bliss than you thought — or at the very least out of the friend zone.
- Make Yourself Less Available
If you find yourself in the friend zone, you’ve become your friend’s personal lackey rather than romantic interest. You find yourself being the one to answer those late night calls or be there to listen to another sad break-up story. However, once you start distancing yourself from their barrage of calls and not always being available, they will start to see how important you are to them.
- Get a Life
We mean this the best way possible, but seriously, get your own life. When you stop being at this woman’s beckoned call, you’ll be able to reconnect with friends and family. You may enjoy spending time with the woman who put you in the friend zone, but you also need relationships that have nothing to do with her. You’ll find that you will have fun and may even find someone new to focus your attention to.
- More About You
You’ve been placed in the friend zone, your friend has probably done all the talking and knows very little about what is going on in your life. You’ll want to change that by talking more about yourself and what goes on in your life. Instead of being there every time they need a ride somewhere or if they need you for moral support, you be the one to call them after a breakup or ask them for a ride. Once they see that your friendship isn’t one-sided anymore, you may find yourself out of the friend zone.
- Stop Complaining About Being Friend Zoned
Every time you are attracted to a woman, it does not automatically mean that she will magically have feelings for you as well. It is completely possible to have friends who are of the opposite sex and not have romantic feelings toward them. It’s perfectly fine!
- Be Cool
Being put into the friend zone by someone that you have romantic feelings for is not the worst thing in the world. You at least are able to keep them in your life and hang out with them. So what if you can’t get down and dirty with them? Sometimes, being friends is much more important than having a relationship.