8 Dating Problems Millennials Face That Their Parents Did Not

There’s no denying that technology has changed how people date and the millennial dating culture is a lot different than what older generations are used to. Why, it isn’t unusual to go on social media and see millennials complaining about their partner liking some girl’s Instagram photo or someone still being Facebook friends with their ex. However, is technology really at fault here?
Today we’re going to take a look at some reasons millennials are getting married later in life and other reasons why older folks wonder why our generation is messed up. Yikes!
Millennial Dating Problem #1: Ghosting
When you realize that you aren’t interested in dating someone anymore, you’d sit down and talk to them like adults, right? Well, that isn’t the case for millennials. Ghosting, or not responding to someone’s texts or instant messages, is a real problem because when they lose interest, they’ll simply disappear – like a ghost. You get no explanation, no goodbye, no kiss my a**… Nothing.
Millennial Dating Problem #2: Too Many Options
The emergence of online dating has changed how a millennial dates because they have so many options. Think about it – when you go out to meet people, you’re only going to meet a couple dozen people at any given time… If you’re lucky. Online dating gives people the chance to meet thousands without ever leaving home. How can anyone possibly choose just one? To a millennial, online dating and dating apps make them feel like a kid in a candy store.
Millennial Dating Problem #3: Goals and Priorities
In the past it was expected for young adults to marry early. However today millennials have too many goals and priorities they want to take care of before settling down. Tara Griffith explains in a Huffington Post article: “During their 20s, many millennials are choosing to prioritize other facets of life such as education, career, travel or life experiences before they settle down with a partner.”
Millennial Dating Problem #4: Overly Analytical
One of the bigger problems with millennials and dating is that they analyze too much. Every text message, social media post, like and comment has to be analyzed to find some “deeper” meaning. For many millennials, their primary means of communication is via text or messaging service, to which their messages lose tone and intention. Even a typo or poorly-chosen emoji gets analyzed. Just imagine how exhausting it must be trying to create the perfect text message or trying to understand someone’s intent with a single word message. It can drive anyone bonkers!
Millennial Dating Problem #5: Dating “Rules”
Do you call right after the date or do you wait for 3 days before calling? Does the man pay or do they go dutch? Is it okay to have sex on the first date or should you wait? Sure, your parents may have had similar questions when they were dating, but because Google is a thing, millennials will look to the internet to answer these questions and more. And since everyone is entitled to their own opinions, it can be overwhelming trying to decide which source of information is “right.” Want to know our opinion? Do things when you want to. If you want to call 2 hours after the first date, go for it. If you want to randomly hook up with someone, be smart and use protection. You do you!
Millennial Dating Problem #6: Dating is too Casual
In the 1920s and 30s, people would date with an end goal in sight, which was to get married and start a family. In the 50s, people relaxed and dating turned into a fun outing where couples could have fun and enjoy each other’s company. Millennials have stepped up the casualness, they are afraid of commitment and have a laissez faire attitude because they’re less likely to define their relationship (it’s not an official relationship until it’s Facebook Official after all) until they’ve achieved some of their personal goals.
Millennial Dating Problem #7: Lack of Communication
When it comes to communication, the millennial dating culture is more about texting and social media instead of a real sit down conversation. An article on The Odyssey Online proposes that many millennials are losing the ability to “make real conversation and meet others through pure human interaction.” Not only are they losing the ability to communicate, but the article also suggests that social media makes people feel pressured into being “perfect,” thereby causing them to lose self-confidence in themselves to put themselves out there and form a relationship with someone that isn’t a Tinder relationship.
Millennial Dating Problem #8: Hookup Culture
Many millennials take part in the hookup culture because they want instant gratification rather than put in the effort to have a satisfying relationship. Hooking up is a great way for millennials to experience companionship and sexual gratification (albeit briefly) without having to meet the parents, listen to them chew with their mouths open, or pick up wet towels off the floor. Sure, hooking up is a good way to stop feeling so alone, but when all is said and done and that person goes home… There you are, alone.
Final Thoughts on the Millennial Dating Culture
Technology has made it difficult for millennials to make solid connections with people because communication is primarily done via text message and/or social media. They don’t have the proper skills necessary to start and maintain a conversation with someone who is sitting right in front of them and many millennials ask why is dating so complicated or why the person they were talking to on a dating app disappeared for no reason.
Granted, not all millennials have these problems. Many young adults have absolutely no problem trying to find and maintain solid relationships with people. There are experts who believe that technology combined with the increasing economic and political challenges has a big impact on how people interact with one another.
Now that we have a better understanding of the dating problems millennials face, we can tackle those problems and have the type of fulfilling relationships our grandparents or parents have.