Get Outdoors and Enjoy Some Fun Summer Dates

Fun things to do in the summer with your boyfriend
It’s summer and you’ve managed to work your way through several seasons of pretty much everything on Netflix and it’s too hot to snuggle on the couch. It’s time to get off the couch and get outdoors with some cute summer date night ideas.
Enjoy a beautiful sunset with a picnic
When do you ever just sit and talk and enjoy the beautiful scenery around you without checking your Instagram or chatting on Messenger to your friends? Put down the smartphones, pack a picnic hamper and a bottle of wine and take yourself to the nearest beauty spot. Sit on a blanket on a hill and watch the sun go down while enjoying each other’s company. Now if you really do insist on taking your phone at least you will have some Instagram worthy pictures!
Plan a romantic camping adventure
When it’s too hot to spoon in bed then it’s time to get out under the stars. Pack up your tent for two and take yourself off to a peaceful and romantic camping spot where you can enjoy the great outdoors and spend some quality time together. It’s cheap, well much cheaper than jetting off abroad for the weekend, and it’s a real adventure where you can make some fantastic memories. If you have the luxury of time then get planning it now. That way you can plan some trips around it as well.
Get outside in the garden
How often do you simply sit outside and enjoy the garden? If the garden needs some attention to make it worthy of a romantic date then this gives you a good excuse to get out there and get stuck in. After a busy day’s gardening, light the BBQ, open a bottle and sit outside rather than another night in front of the TV. Sometimes the simplest pleasures in life are right on your doorstep – literally!
Cycling or another form of outdoor activities
Perhaps you want to get fit together but don’t fancy being stuck in the gym this summer? Well, why not get out on your bike and start exploring? It’s a great way to see the local area and the more experienced you get, the further afield you can travel. Who knows, you might discover that you really enjoy it. Cycling holidays are a great way to see the world.
Go rollerblading (yes you read that right)
What’s stopping you? If you have a local beach nearby then you can go and rollerblade down the prom. If you don’t then there is bound to be a local skate park or a cycle network that you can use. Make sure you wear knee pads and elbow protectors though. If it’s been a while one, or both of you, you could end up falling over.
Go to the zoo (you don’t need kids)
When was the last time you went to the zoo or local wildlife park? Perhaps you have never been or the last time was when you were a kid. Well get online and book yourself a couple of tickets and then take yourself off to the nearest zoo with a picnic. Marvel at the monkeys, learn about species you’ve never heard off and had fun doing something you’ve probably not considered before.
Take a spontaneous road trip
Pull out a local map and a pin, close your eyes and stick the pin on the map, alternatively grab your phone, call up your Google maps and point to a destination. Once you have chosen, pack up the car and head off there. You never know what you might discover. It might be somewhere you’ve not considered going before but it will certainly be an adventure. All you need is a picnic and a decent playlist for the car, wind down the windows and enjoy the ride.
There are so many fun summer dates that you and your loved one can enjoy. All you need to do is think outside the box a little. Make a list of all of the cute summer date ideas that you can both think of and then start working your way through them. Guaranteed it will be one of your best summers ever.