Ways The Younger Generation Gets Dating Completely Wrong

The older generation likes to tell the younger people that they are dating wrong. Surprisingly, it isn’t a new accusation — it’s been told through the generations for years. You may have told your grandparents that you met this great girl through an online dating site and received an earful claiming that you are dating completely wrong… But, would you believe that they probably heard the same thing during the women’s rights movements or when the automobile was invented? Technological advancements have changed the way we date.
The Dating App
Online dating is nothing new; in fact many people use this method of meeting people, not only because it streamlines the dating process (who really wants to waste valuable time and money on going out to meet only a few people, whereas online dating allows you to meet hundreds and converse with them all — theoretically?), but it can be done around your busy schedule. You can literally search through profiles, message some people and let them know you’re interested in them all before you leave for work. Then when you come home, you’ll (most likely) have responses and voila! You can get to know them and see if you want to start dating them.
Dating apps work very similarly to online dating, except it is even quicker (swipe left or swipe right) and it can go everywhere you go — on the subway, to the doctor’s office, the nightclub, or even the bathroom. As convenient as these apps may be, there is a certain phenomenon that comes along with it — the hookup culture. With the evolution of the hookup, many younger people are ditching the dinner and movie aspect of a date and going straight for the nightcap. Sure, it isn’t always the case, but it is more common than one may believe.
Dating Evolution
Although online dating, dating apps, and the hookup culture may be scary for the older generations where they are used to meeting the parents, dinner and a movie, and a curfew, you may be surprised that these practices are still used today. Like everything in live, we grow and adapt; much like our grandparents had to when the car was invented or when women was able to go to work and make her own money, thus empowering them to be the breadwinner.
The idea that the younger generation is dating wrong is simply ridiculous. You may not use these new methods of dating, but to say that those who do use these methods are dating wrong is misinformed and close-minded. As a society, we do not like change and when something alters our knowledge of what we think is right (like traditional dating methods), we are scared, jump to conclusions, and we automatically think of the negatives that may be associated with it.
Although we do not know where dating will be in another 20 years, we can assume that we, the younger generation, will be faced with new dating practices that we don’t understand. Then it will be us who will be saying the same thing we were told… “You’re dating wrong.” It’s a vicious cycle, but an inevitable one.