World Cup 2018. 10 Facts About Meeting Girls in Russia

The World Cup tournament is so much more than a football competition. It’s a four-yearly festival that brings people together from all over the world. From the 14 June until the 15 July there will be wild parties, as well as many drownings of sorrows. Naturally, as the drink flows and individuals from different cultures intermingle, people will be drawn together romantically. If you’re heading to Russia here’s your football flirting 2018 guide.
10 Essential Tips to Keep in Mind
So you’re heading to Russia with love? When it comes to dating and the FIFA World Cup it’s important not to go in with high expectations of meeting the love of your life over vodkas in some bar. Just set out to relax and have a good time partying and socializing with your friends. If you happen to bump into a gorgeous Slav who takes your breath away, that’s a bonus. Don’t chase after her. Let the mutual attraction take its course.
Cultural differences
You might wonder what are the Russian female features that make them stand out? They are far more into straight-talking than Western women. Forget all that beating about the bush or mind games. Russian chicks will get bored if you try using subtle seduction techniques. On the other hand, ask her if she’d love to join you in a few vodka shots and you’ll get an enthusiastic response.
Safety first

Unfortunately, international football competitions are not always embraced as a carnival of joy and unity. Russian football has a long history of hooliganism and racism among a minority of fans.
When you want to meet Russian women, if any girls start boasting they would dearly love to beat up some rival supporters, best give them a wide berth. Another cool aspect of being kept secure by the forces of law and order is you’ll notice a lot of the female Russian police are very attractive. And they look very fetching in uniform.
Russia’s World Cup is the most expensive ever, having cost $14 billion. The last thing the authorities will want is anti-social behavior tarnishing their tournament and country’s image, so there will be a huge police presence. Also, avoid scams, such as buying forged match tickets, and be aware of pickpockets.
What Russian girls look like?

As you’ll be surrounded by female fans from countries as diverse as Panama and Iceland, how will you be able to tell the locals? The fact is, Eastern European females are known for their angular faces and fresh complexions. Their physiques will be much trimmer than their counterparts in the USA or the UK who have a high instance of weight issues. Their skin is inevitably light and flawless. During the day when they are roaring on their team, they will be sexy girls wearing football tops, sometimes tied around the waist. But in the evening they love to dress to impress. In Russia’s winter climate they wear fur coats, but in June they favor stylish designer jackets, accessorized with expensive jewelry. They will also have spent considerable time attending to their hair and make-up.
Flirting in Russia
When it comes to seduction advice, the key things to know about Russian girls are to adopt the same friendly attitude you would anywhere else, but be prepared to get to the point quicker! During the World Cup, you’ll be immersed by noise and color, surrounded by people chattering in every language under the sun. Now is not the time for polite glances across the crowded bars. If you want to attract a Russian girl, you’ll need to make a more direct approach. But you’ll also need to strike a fine line between confidence – which they adore – and over-confidence – which as seen as off-putting.
What to talk about

Keep your chat neutral. Russian girls love to be flirted with, especially when it’s being done by someone from a different culture who will seem a bit ‘exotic’ to them. By all means discuss how the football is progressing. Chat about whatever makes her laugh – music, sport, movies, Russian food – and once you’ve really clicked, romance!
What not to discuss
If you want to meet Russian girls without offending, avoid contentious issues such Putin’s foreign policy, the mysterious poisonings of secret agents, or the situation in Crimea. You have no way of knowing her political leanings until getting to know her better, so best stick to universal topics.
Russian men
One thing to be aware of is Russian men don’t always take too kindly to foreigners muscling in on ‘their women.’ They can be quite chauvinistic. If you happen to be sitting next to a table of guys in Russian football tops, just be a little more discreet when you’re chatting to your local girl. Avoid full-on French kissing sessions.
Pick-up places

There are so many places to meet a Russian woman. The obvious choice would be the bars which are going to be full of fun-loving females. One of the best tips for World Cup 2018 visitors would be to brush up on some Russian phrases. So when you find yourself in a crowd of Slavic beauties, if you were to say to one: “Privet. Ty vyglyadish’ krasivo segodnya” she’d love hearing this in your own accent. (For the record, that means “Hello there. You look beautiful today.”) If you want to know where to meet Russian women, just follow the crowds to the food zones, shops, bars, and stadiums.
Let’s face it, traveling to the World Cup is an expensive outing. It would be one thing wining and dining your Russian friend but what if she wants to go clubbing at night? You need to be aware of clubs here are very exclusive. A lot of them are aimed at Russia’s elite, with a ‘face control’ door policy and exorbitant fees before you’ve even bought a drink. There will also be strict dress codes – not many supporters consider their most expensive suit an essential item to pack before a football tournament. Best to take your date to bars. These are always livelier anyway, especially during tournament time.
To conclude, regardless of how the competition progresses on the pitch, the World Cup in Russia is going to be a fantastic social event, a month-long party bringing together people from all over the world. Russian women are not only renowned for their beauty, they are extremely sociable and many of them are eagerly anticipating getting to know the foreign supporters who are visiting their country. Just like holiday romances, some partnerships might last even longer.
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