Cool Date Night Arlington Ideas for Those in Love

For that romantic first date experience, or simply a get-together with an old or new flame, we all need insight on cool places to visit to make for that good first impression. Arlington offers dating spots that will cater to the romantic in all of us, the creative, the adventurous, and the shy and more reserved in some of us. Suppose you are looking for a fun place to visit for that first impression engagement or an exciting venue filled with heart-pounding excitement, or maybe you just need some peace as you stare into your partner’s eyes. In that case, there are plenty of fun dating ideas at your disposal here on our website. We offer a detailed list of pleasurable spots for dating in Arlington to visit for food, fun, and affordable activities, which will leave you as excited for the next flirtatious linkup as you were for the first.
First Date Ideas: Where to Go, What to Do?
People meeting for the first time usually like to make an excellent first impression. That being said, it may at times be nerve-racking to find a conversation to break the ice, so to speak. What better way to make easy conversation and laugh while you are at it than to visit a comedy club. One would enjoy a night out at Arlington’s Improv club. Famous stand-up comedians are hosted at the said club, and this would make for a great night out as couples tickle each other’s funny bones. It is perhaps the best way to test your partner’s sense of humor without feeling guilty about dishing out some dark jokes or commenting on something that wasn’t meant to be funny to begin with. All this makes for a conducive environment for that first-time and makes for an easy gateway to later stir up more serious conversations.
For a more chilled out encounter, how about a picnic. First dates can be quite challenging in terms of ideas, especially because you may not know each other too well. Some stores and restaurants offer picnic-ready foods, such as Sprouts and Wholefoods. Also, there are several parks that are noteworthy and would make a great escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. These include River Legacy Park, Gray Natural Area, and Veterans Park. These are fun first date ideas because they do not require too much research into what is affordable and available in terms of spontaneity.
While on your first date, the best ideas still revolve around simple yet fun activities. Why not take your partner on a stroll and admire the 21 or so locally-designed stars around Arlington. To make it even more interesting and fun, you could print out the same and take turns looking for these stars all around the city. It all makes for a fun-filled, first date experience, one that can leave you eager to see what else your day or night in the city has to offer.
Last but not least, under our first date ideas is the upstairs Gallery… Just like its name states, it offers lessons for first-timers to practice their coloring skills and drawing, and even jewelry making. These activities will help you and your partner get to know each other much quicker, with less anxiety regarding the places you visit and what to wear for a particular night out. These are affordable alternatives for that first date that leaves a lot more to the imagination once you and your partner have managed to break the ice with some much-needed creativity.
Arlington’s Improv Club
Sprouts and Whole Foods

Gray Natural Area
River Legacy Park
Veterans Park

Upstairs Gallery
Fun Date Ideas in Arlington
Now that the first meeting and all the anxiety that comes along with it is out of the way. Or this is your initial meeting, and you want to hit-the-ground-running as far as painting the town red. Arlington will not come up short in terms of fun and adventurous activities for your choosing. From horseback riding, clubbing, wining, and dining as well as movies, the list can go on ad-infinitum, but let’s point out a few of the highlights that are worth checking out.
As if the name wasn’t enticing enough, Hooligan’s offers the perfect setup for a night of wild bingeing fun and cool activities. Other hotspots include Sherlock’s, Gilligan’s, Stumpy’s Bar as well as a chill spot called Milo’s. These venues offer a cool and fun environment for drinks and perhaps even dinner. They are by no means quiet environments; therefore, the couple may visit these venues in order to let loose and let it all hang out, inhibitions aside. That being said, fun dates need not be romantic without missing out on some much needed competitive action. It is, after all, about knowing your partner better, right? Well, there are plenty of places that one can opt for when it comes to golfing, like Putt-Putt Golf for starters, or you could engage in some rock climbing at Dyno-Rock’s indoor setup for the same. All this friendly competition among yourself or other couples is bound to bring out the inhibitions in all of us.
Incidentally, and speaking of stepping out of your shell, Arlington offers opportunities to taste drinks galore, especially those of the frozen variety. From Daiquiri Debauchery to some Margarita Mayhem, the city will have you spoilt for choice. These drinks can be picked up in sizes ranging from a sixteen-ounce option to a full gallon for those seeking to go out guns blazing. Lest we forget, the spot for these enticing drinks is the Daiquiri Depot. Of course, there is plenty of junk food for grabs too, which is probably a necessity as you binge on margaritas and Daiquiris.
One common activity for couples as they meet for the first time, or any subsequent meetings for that matter, is to have a movie night. However, few places offer you a chance to get a bit tipsy (or indulge) as Arlington does. At the Studio Movie Grill, hosts pour out cocktails for movie watchers, which could lead to that intimacy you have been longing for, though you may not get to watch the movie after all. But who says that’s a bad thing.
The list of fun date ideas cannot be comprehensive without sports. It is Texas, after all! From Dallas Cowboys to the Texas Rangers, one only needs to grab a soft drink of choice and a hotdog, and let the games begin.
Hooligan’s Pub


Putt-Putt Golf
Dyno Rock
Daiquiri Depot
Studio Movie Grill

Romantic Date Ideas in Arlington, TX recognizes the romantic in all of us. That’s why we cannot miss a beat when it comes to highlighting a few places that will provide that romantic aura that is so necessary for couples to ignite that spark for more courtship to come after that first fun, romantic dinner with drinks and all the whistles that accompany it.
How about some ethnicity to fill up a mundane dinner? Downtown Arlington has a variety of ethnic restaurants, and as the tag suggests, they all offer cuisines and dining experiences that would be out of this world, or from ‘out of town’ for a better expression. They just so happen to be a Halal Grill restaurant, as well as a Turkish inspired restaurant aptly named Istanbul, a Korean joint named Jinn Korean Barbeque, to name but a few. These may need to be selected carefully for that first romantic and flirtatious experience, but if the lovely couple already has an insight into what their partners would like to get a taste of, these Arlington dating spots are perfect for a romantic day.
Spots like Poteger’s Other Stuff offer a quieter environment with a little coffee and perhaps even some tantalizing chocolate. It has a certain home-made cuisine and organic foods nature to it, which is probably what it is most famous for. It provides one of the most romantic getaways for those seeking a quiet environment for that one-on-one with your partner.
As far as fine-dining is concerned, eateries will put you in five-star status with your mate. Restaurant 506 offers glamor and intimacy at a romantic venue for those looking for that sought after candlelit dinner experience. Flirt away as you visit places like the Piccolo Mondo, a place for savory Italian dishes, and of course, what could be more romantic than a piano lounge; compliments of the Piccolo Mondo. If that hasn’t tickled your romantic nerve yet, feel free to visit The Melting Pot for some tongue-tingling tasty desserts or hop around the neighborhood and stop at The Keg for crunchy seafood and, of course, mouth-watering steaks. Alternatively, if you feel the need to go all-out, there is the UTA Planetarium, which, at the cost of only $6 per adult, can be seen as quite affordable and seeing as the dome has up to 14 different shows a week. It provides an entertainment schedule for several more dinners and drinks to come.
On that note, let’s take a look at the most affordable yet enjoyable options for unique experiences within the city.
Halal Grill


Jinn Korean Barbeque
Restaurant 506

Piccolo Mondo
The Melting Pot
UTA Planetarium
Cheap Date Ideas in Arlington
The word cheap in this case could just as easily be translated to affordable. It is because in Arlington, the options available for fun dates, at a reasonable cost to all, still offer fun and romantic getaways, not forgetting cool activities. One particular event that should be considered part of your affordable idea for a getaway is visiting an Art Gallery. At the Arlington Museum of Art, the couple will not only get to tickle or challenge their knowledge of the arts but also get to do so without emptying their pockets. Still pertaining to arts, there is also the Symphony Arlington or Theatre. Anyone who has ever visited an opera or performance art event with an intimate partner knows how…. intimate the date can get after that, especially after a romantic play.
As we mentioned earlier, Arlington will not disappoint in terms of affordable places to visit and things to do for any couple. Music lovers or the outdoorsy can cuddle under the Levitt Pavilion Arlington stars for some free concert activities. You could also take your partner out on a trail, around the District Art Trail or toward the Natural parks like the Crystal Canyon Area. These excursions provide an air of calmness and tranquility that will make for a perfect first-time experience with a new potential mate or several meetings after that. The idea of theme parks has long been a favorite pastime for families, kids, and couples. Roller coasters are usually the main attraction, not forgetting plenty of options for food, ice cream, and water splashing at the water parks.
Last but definitely not least, we have to bring some real excitement, perhaps even dark ones, into your cheap date ideas. If you are a bit more daring and prefer something of the occult, there are haunted houses to be visited, including the Screaming Bridge and Hell’s Gate. For no fee at all, one can visit these areas and listen to some tales regarding these haunted places' history. Speaking of history, the Top O’ Hill Terrace is a place worth visiting, with a history about some mild gambling activities in the past, accompanied by a cup-a-tea. Interestingly enough, it is sometimes known as the ‘Vegas before Vegas’. An exhibition site is also known as the Historic Fielder House, which holds a few exhibits to showcase different eras and bits of Arlington’s history. These affordable ideas for Arlington, Texas, might even provide better alternatives than pricier more extravagant activities that may lead to disappointments. Flirtatious couples will not find it difficult to make their time together as intimate as possible at these fun-filled and unique spots.
Arlington Museum of Art
Symphony Arlington

Levitt Pavilion Arlington
District Art Trail

Crystal Canyon Area
Top O’ Hill Terrace
Historic Fielder House