The Best Dating Tips for Bisexual Men and Women

The dating game can be hard enough but when you are looking for something more specific it can become even more of a tall order. For those bisexual men and women that seek dating advice in order to meet and enjoy their dating experience, we take a look at some top tips from meeting and dating to managing the expectations in a relationship.
How to meet and date a bisexual person

The first thing you need to know is how to meet bisexual women and men in your area. First of all, it is important to be clear about what you are looking for. Do you want to meet a bisexual girl or a bisexual man or are you happy to just meet the right person regardless of gender? Once you have decided who and what you are looking for you can narrow your search and focus on finding the right person for you. Of course, before you start your experience you need to be sure that it is what you want and that you are ready to come out as bisexual.
If you are new to this kind of dating, such as bisexual dating, then you need to know where to start your dating journey. If you are lucky you may have friends that can introduce you to people or you may know local bars where you can meet people. For some this can be intimidating and often not a very successful way to meet someone. If you want to be introduced to bisexual girls and men that have lots in common with you then you need to start your search online.
Tips for first date after coming out as bisexual
If this is your first experience of bisexual dating then what should you expect and what can you do to make it easier? The key is to relax. At the end of the day the other person is probably just as nervous as you. If it is their first date as a bisexual or their first date with someone who is bi, then you can be comfortable knowing that you are probably experiencing the same nerves. If they are more experienced than you at dating then they will remember how it felt when they started. Relax, enjoy and remember that the person that you are meeting is human just like you.
Starting a new bisexual relationship

As with any relationship you have to start somewhere and once you have come out and decided that you definitely want to explore the options open to you need to be sure that you know what you want. If you want to start a casual bisexual relationship and see where it takes you then this is OK but if you are planning on embarking on a more serious relationship you need to ensure that you meet the right person and that there are no bisexual problems standing in your way. You need to be sure that you aren’t going to want to divert your attentions to a girl when you are in a relationship with a man for example. Just like any relationship which is straight or bi, if you are going to commit to one person then you need to make sure it is the right person.
What is bisexual?
Bisexual is simply someone who likes both men and women and has feelings which are both emotional and sexual to both sexes. Often it can be very confusing as you need to decide if you want to be with a girl or a man and that you are ready to commit to a relationship. For many it is about the person and not the gender. You don’t need to have a preference, you just need to meet the right person.
My partner says they are bisexual
It can be very difficult to discover that your partner is bisexual. It could be something that they have been fighting for a long time and have only just admitted to themselves however it can be very confusing and hurtful when you discover that they are harbouring these feelings and you can feel cheated, even if they haven’t acted on these feelings. At this stage, you need to find out what your partner wants to do about their feelings and if they are keen to explore them. It takes a lot of courage to sit down and have this discussion but you need to be fair to both of you.
How to date a bisexual girl
If you are whether you are male or female, you are going to need to set some ground rules and expectations beforehand. For some, the feelings that they have may be new and they may not have explored them yet. If you are bisexual then you will have a greater understanding of this but if you are not but you want to get a bisexual girl to like you then you are going to need to understand that they may not be ready for a committed relationship yet.
Dating is fine but you need to be clear about what it is that each other wants to avoid anyone getting hurt. Falling head over heels with a bisexual girl who is just looking to explore the dating options open to her may not be what you are looking for. Of course, this doesn’t mean that just because they are bisexual that they are going to cheat. Why would being bisexual suddenly make you a cheat? This is often a common stereotype associated with being bi.
Dating for bi women

If you are a bi woman and want to meet guys and girls for dating then you need to be clear from the start what you are looking for. If you are new to the dating scene then you probably want to explore these new opportunities. Be clear with those that you are dating that you are not looking for anything serious and set clear expectations from the outset.
One consideration that needs to be given when it comes to dating bisexual girls is the expectations and double standards. Some bi women would not be happy to date a bi partner. Sounds crazy right but even some high-profile bisexual women have stated that they would not be happy dating someone who dates both sexes. These double standards need to be considered if you are a bi woman looking to date both men and women.
At the end of the day, the principles of dating are the same whether you are gay, straight or bisexual. It is about finding the right person. Just because you are bisexual or are dating someone that likes both sexes, doesn’t mean that you or they are going to cheat. It also doesn’t mean that you have a preference to one more than the other or that you are going to want to change your mind after you’ve been in a relationship with a man and start dating a woman. Often, it is all about the person you meet. To avoid any issues though it is important to be honest about who you are and to set very clear expectations from the outset so that you can enjoy your dating experience without anyone getting hurt.