Great Ideas for Things to Do on a Second Date

When you are looking for good second date ideas you want to ensure that you do something that you are both going to enjoy. Some say what you do on a second date is more important than the first. The first is just a chance for you to work out if you like each other and if you want to meet again but the second needs to prove that you can have fun together. Some might say there is more pressure on the second date than there is with the first. We take a look at some ideas for that all-important second date.
Places to go and things to do on a second date

Prove that you were listening on the first date
When it comes to arranging a second date, it is key to proving that you were listening on the first date to what the other person liked or didn’t like. It is also likely to be evident from their profile when considering the kind of things that they like. If they like running, cycling or other outdoor pursuits then this gives you an idea of the sort of things they may like. If they love the theatre, art galleries, museums or enjoy being somewhere relaxed and calming then these are also great hints as to the kind of date that you could arrange.
Try being a bit more creative on a second date
Dinner and a movie might be your idea of a really good night out but on a second date? Let’s get a bit more creative and try some different ideas. If you really want to do dinner and drinks then try somewhere quirky or different. Why not try a more romantic location like a rooftop terrace? If you are both fairly active and spontaneous why not try roller skating, kayaking or another outdoor activity. Wine tasting and gallery visits are a great idea for the more cultured that like a more relaxed environment. It is about judging what the other person will really appreciate and this can be the trickiest part.
Think outside of the box
How long is it since you were a tourist in your own town or a local area? There are lots of things you can do for either daytime date ideas or weekend date ideas. Pack up the car and head off to a festival or for a camping trip somewhere or perhaps just a road trip out to a local beauty spot with a picnic. It doesn’t have to conform to normal date ideas. Thinking outside of the box can be really romantic and taking your new date by surprise is a great way to prove that they are dating someone special.
Be careful not to push it too far though

There is being spontaneous and trying new things and then there is going a bit too crazy and making your partner feel uncomfortable. If you are going to arrange a day zip lining or rock climbing perhaps you should make sure that they aren’t scared of heights and if you are going to take them away for the weekend be clear about the sleeping arrangements and respect their wishes. If it is only the second date they may not be ready for a weekend away.
Are they happy for you to arrange the date?
There may be some people who prefer to know where they are going and what they are doing and to have a say in where you go. Don’t make all of the arrangements unless you are confident that they will appreciate it and if you are unsure just check with them. You don’t want to go to lots of expense and effort for a second date to remember if they are going to remember it for all the wrong reasons.
Keep it casual and manage expectations
Second dates can be more difficult than the first. You want to make sure that it goes well but you don’t want to scare them off. At this stage, it should be fairly casual, no declarations of love or marriage proposals! Find something that is fun and make the whole date about having a good time. It may be a good idea to make it clear that you don’t want to sleep together on a second date or you may be hoping that is where the date leads. Be sure to manage expectations and don’t take things too far too soon!
How is the date going?

If your date is having a good time, you should be able to tell from their facial expressions, their level of engagement and whether it feels comfortable. It is also a dead giveaway as to if they are bored. If they aren’t having fun then you should be able to pick this up. Another way to work out if they are enjoying this time with you is to ask them if they want to go and grab a drink after or if they fancy a bite to eat. If they are keen to make their escape it may be a sign that they weren’t really feeling it but if they want to extend the date then you have your answer. Don’t ask them if they are having fun or if they want to see you again until after the date.
Ask lots of questions
This is your chance to really get to know each other and answer any questions you had for the first date. Don’t make it feel like they are under interrogation but drop in questions about what they do, what they like, what they don’t like, what their goals are perhaps. Not only does it show your interest in them but it is also a good way to dig as to whether there will be a third date.
There are so many things that you can do on a second date and things that you shouldn’t do but with a bit of thought and preparation, you can arrange a second date that they won’t forget in a hurry and before you know it you will be arranging date number 3. The only problem you should end up with is making 3 as good as 2!
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