The Best Ways to Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

You have spent time apart, you enjoyed it at first, had your fun, dated a few other girls but you kept coming back around to thoughts about your ex. In fact, she is all you can think about and now you want to get her back, so how can you do that? Read on and all will be revealed.
How to get your ex-girlfriend back

Send her a message – The old saying that “absence makes the heart grow fonder” is very true. However, if you are keen to get back with your ex then don’t call her, simply drop her a text message, a private social media message or an email. A simple, well-worded, sweet message will work wonders. Mention a memory that you both enjoyed together or a song that you both loved. If she responds then this could be the door opening for you.
Don’t Rush – You have been with her once before but that doesn’t mean you can pick up from where you left off. So agree to get together, apologize for any mistakes you made and try and contact her out of the blue, particularly if you have not spoken since you split up.
Now try the phone – The message got a response, you have held a conversation by message that is heading in a positive direction so why not propose a chat on the phone. You need to sound sincere and honest because you do want her back but once you get chatting, ask whether she would like to join you to the cinema or to even go for a walk. This is your chance to be together in an environment that is relaxed which means no pressure. Just remember, if she accepts your invite, it could be her being polite so don’t take it as a sign she wants to get back together.
You miss her, so tell her – If she accepts your invitation then you are starting to learn how to get your ex back. Slowly ask her how she has been, what she is doing with herself and even how her job is going. Then if things are heading in the right direction and you feel it necessary, tell her that you want her back. You are going to look vulnerable, but that could be a good thing but don’t ask aggressively or look like you are an opportunist! Open your heart and tell her how you feel and then see how she takes it.
Be honest – If she seems like she wants to talk, take it a step further and tell her you know where you fell short. If you hurt her, then now is the time to apologize for your actions. Show that you take full responsibility for what you have done and how you want to make things right.
Show your romantic side – Being a gentleman is important but don’t feel the need to send chocolate or flowers to her work because that is a slight cliché but they do work. However, you could always put your feelings into word by writing her a love letter. It is a more traditional thing to do but sending them with flowers will show that you really do want her back.