The Tell-All Guide to Flirting With a Woman – No Matter Her Age

People will tell you that age is just a number and it doesn’t matter when it comes to dating and relationships, and they are correct to a point. People can be happy with someone who is not in the same age as they are.
BUT, you should know that age does determine how you flirt with someone. You wouldn’t approach a woman in her 30s with the same flirting tactic as you would a woman in her 20s. You may have to try really hard to impress a woman in her 30s, but if you try the same tactic with her younger counterpart, she may feel like you’re coming on too strong and turn you away.
Now, this doesn’t mean you should limit yourself to one age group or the other. It just means that you have to diversify the way you flirt. Both women have their own set of challenges and rewards. In theory, he has the ability to choose which one interests him more because he has mastered the art of speaking to women appropriately in accordance with her age.
21 and Fun
Women in their early 20s are still in the mindset where they want to have fun and they’ve got a full life ahead of them to worry about the “grown-up stuff.” These ladies still believe they can achieve the “dream” by dating musicians, personal trainers or yoga teachers.
They see these men for the potential. They don’t care that you go through jobs like you go through a pair of socks. She won’t mind that your idea of a romantic dinner at home is ordering takeout from the Chinese place down the street. Heck, she probably won’t even care if you live in your parent’s basement…
When you approach a woman in her early 20s, your flirtations should be entertaining, fun, and light. You should keep her laughing. These women are more likely to base her decision if she will give you her number on how fun you are.
31 Seeks Value
When you approach a woman in her 30s, you’ve got to put fun on the back burner long enough for her to see that there is more to you than just jokes and having a good time. She wants to know that you’ve made plans for your future. She wants to know that you have job security and have goals. She cannot bide her time with someone who is living the perpetual “I’m going to…” lifestyle. Sure, it’s nice to have goals, but at this stage in your life, she is probably under the impression that you should be living that lifestyle you talk about, rather than just talking about it.
Taking Her Home
Once you understand the difference between a woman in her 20s and one in their 30s, you’re going to do things differently. A 30-year-old will notice if your house is a mess whereas a younger woman probably is used to a mess because she has roommates who aren’t tidy. By understanding the differences between these two women, you’ll be able to tailor your flirt game to suit your needs.