What is Your Sexuality or Sexual Orientation?

Discovering an understanding your sexuality can be difficult, especially if you don’t fit any labels or come from a background that doesn’t understand different sexual desires but that doesn’t mean you can’t explore your opportunities for love. Even if you’re confused now, there are ways to overcome that and discover what it is you’re looking for in a romantic relationship. We discuss a variety of sexual preferences and form some definitions to help you explore your possible desires and opportunities.
What Sexuality Labels Are There?
Before understanding what it is you’re looking for, it is important to understand the social climate surrounding sexuality labels. Whether you fit into these categories or not, knowing more about them can help you begin exploring your sexuality and give you directions as to how you can start understanding your sexuality too.
Heterosexual or straight is probably a sexuality term you have come across more frequently than others, but even though many people are heterosexual it is important to understand what it means. Straight sexuality meaning is being sexually attracted to someone of the opposite gender.
Homosexual (Gay/Lesbian)
Another more common sexuality label is homosexual, meaning you’re sexually attracted to people within your same gender group. is typically used for male relationships and lesbian for female relationships.
Bisexual labels can seem much trickier to someone who hasn’t spent time understanding the nature of bisexuality or hears about it for the first time. People who’re bisexual are attracted to both genders equally and their sexuality doesn’t flip between being straight or gay depending on who they are dating at the time.
Individuals who’re tend to not have sexual feelings or associations with other people. Whether its towards men or women, they don’t have that intense sexual attraction that we associate with other sexuality labels.
Pansexual men or women aren’t limited by who they can be sexually attracted to based on gender. They’re sexually attracted to whoever they’re attracted to and, unlike bisexuality, it is not limited by biological sex.
I have outlined some of the more common denominations regarding sexuality labels, but that doesn’t mean it is a comprehensive list.
Furthermore, many people don’t fit neatly into labels and may identify with multiple categories or only identify with certain aspects from various labels. The key is to understand these labels, but not get bogged down by definitions and explore your sexuality in terms of your feelings and identity.
How to Find Your Sexuality
Exploring or understanding your sexuality is more than just having experience and deciding that is your label. As discussed, many people may not fit into defined labels and others may have more fluid sexual experiences, so don’t be in a rush to define your sexuality. Take your time to explore your options and don’t be afraid to not understand everything at first. If you’re not sure about your sexuality, then take your time to discover it and explore your sexuality without any hassle. We have outlined a few ways to help you take your time finding your label and how to understand your sexuality with more clarity.
Date a Variety of Individuals
If you’re feeling confused and not confident about your sexuality, then exploring dating options with a diverse range of singles can help you discover how you feel sexually. You don’t have to be intimate with them or commit to anything serious but go on a few dates and see if you’re swept away or attracted to someone from either gender. Take your time, have fun and turn understanding your sexuality into something exciting!
Go with the Flow
Don’t be afraid to have that kiss with a girl from a party or become more intimate with a guy you’ve met as it can help you understand what you’re looking for. Listening to your body and taking small chances will hep you come to terms with your sexuality and understand if you’re attracted to certain genders, simply are attracted to the person or have no sexual feelings at all.
Talk to Other People
Many people have probably gone through the same things you’re going through and have been able to come out on the other side. Talking to other people about sexuality concerns and confusion can help clarify things in your mind and help you feel less scared about something so personal. There are tons of places online where you can go to discuss personal options and get some advice from people who were just as confused as you.
Stop Thinking About It
Your sexuality shouldn’t define you as an individual, but it is going to if you keep thinking about it. Take the time to do things that you’re passionate about and that truly make you the person you are. Your sexuality and your desires will become clear overtime, so continue living your life and don’t put too much pressure on yourself to come up with all the answers to your sexuality question straight away.
Understandably, answering the questions surrounding your sexuality can feel like a massive part of your life and to a certain extent it is, but it isn’t all that is there. Your sexuality isn’t you, but a part of you, so forming your identity around that can fade the true you out. Discovering what it is you want sexually or what you’re looking for romantically is important, however, all these things come much easier when you’re comfortable with yourself and who you are. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people and don’t be afraid to not have all the answers, because it is rare that anybody does. Take care of yourself and don’t rush your journey to figure out your sexuality as it is all part of the experience.
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