An Hour After: First Date, First Kiss

All right, an hour ago you were on a date with someone, right? Now, pause and follow the white rabbit of our advice. Ask yourself a few simple questions, the answers will be useful for you if you want to elicit as much information as possible from the first date with the person you have designs on.
Why is your inner state so important an hour after the date? By this time, medically speaking, the hormones in your blood will have bounced back to their normal levels. In other words, you can ponder over it all in a relaxed atmosphere, with a clear head.
Also, an hour after the date can present a bifurcation or turning point, that is, a point which supposes at least two (or more) case scenarios, depending on your feeling. And this feeling won’t be the one felt in the spur of the moment. No matter how it passed, the first date is your food for meditation that either inspires you to further action, or does not.
Listen to the facts your mind tells you and, to a lesser degree, what your heart prompts you. The storm of feelings might have already piped down inside you, but still beware false impressions. The rationality of your mind will help you to analyze the first date. And as for your heart, well, it will help you to guess the outcome of your date instinctively (if you still prefer to rely on your intuition). Anyway, the emotional side of the deal isn’t useless at all.
Do not start from the main question: “was it a success or not”? In fact, this is the last question, the answer to which will come on its own.
The question that you start from should really be: what did you really like about the whole date? Were there any things that caused uncertain sensations of discomfort? Put it differently, were there any warning signs that kept telling you something was wrong from the very start? Try and recall the words and phrases you exchanged at the beginning of your date and the goodbye words you shared.
Did you feel an emotional response or not? The importance of this is evident: the emotional sphere makes up half of the whole dating atmosphere. The same goes for the conversations during your date. Did you share the same thoughts and ideas? Was it interesting for you to listen to your mate? Apart from the impression given to you by your partner, think of the possible impression you made. Try to pay attention to everything you remember about the date – the key to any interpersonal attraction and the compatibility of souls in general lies in the details, hidden at first thought.
And now we come to the first kiss, no matter whether it was an ordinary goodbye kiss or something more. It is very important because it breaks a physical contact barrier between you and your partner. Well, statistical figures speak for themselves. As proven in psychological studies, about 60% of men and nearly 70% of women tend to lose interest in a person after the first kiss. Still, do not make far-reaching conclusions – this concerns also those who felt attraction towards each other long before kissing and dating.
It’s better to think about whether it was a pleasure for you to kiss your dating partner. Again, it requires a bit of concentration on the emotional component. Turn to your feelings. If everything was as usual, then there’s nothing to worry about. And leave your kissing compatibility alone. Enough is written about this phenomenon. If the first kiss does not resemble an awkward attempt to hide the disappointment of your partner in you – then everything really is fine.
That’s it. Sometimes you may be surprised at what you discover as a result of your analysis an hour after the first date. We hope that you will find the information provided useful.