Romantic Christmas Traditions From all over the Globe

All over the world, Christmas celebrations bring family and friends together. There are delicious food to be had, love to be shared, and good tidings for all.
Although Christmas is celebrated around the world, each country has their own traditions that are unique and interesting. In the UK, people often kiss a present or future love under the mistletoe, as it is a common tradition, but others will be puckering up to bring in the New Year.
Kissing Under the Mistletoe (UK)
A kiss under the mistletoe is a Druid symbol of fertility and it quickly became popularized in the 18th century. It continues to be practiced at Christmas parties all over the world.
A New Year’s Kiss (Worldwide)
No one can tell us where the origin of the kiss at midnight comes from. There are some claims that say it comes from the Ancient Roman Festival of Saturnalia. Regardless, amorous party goers all over the world are anxious to keep that tradition going.
A Burning Branch (Greece)
In Thessaly, boys often place a cedar branch and girls will place a white cherry branch over the fire. The branch which burns the quickest is a sign of good luck and perhaps an impending marriage for the couple.
Shoe Tossing (Czech Republic)
In the Czech Republic, a single woman will test her luck of getting married in the upcoming year by throwing a single shoe over her shoulder. If the show points toward the front door, then she will expect to get married!
Molten Tins (Finland)
In Finland, the Finnish people gather to pour molten tin into buckets of cold water. The final shapes are used to predict the future. People who are looking for love hope to have hearts and rings.
The Rooster Decides (Belarus)
Unmarried women in Belarus set out piles of corn at their feet. Then there are several roosters that are let loose and whose ever pile the rooster picks to eat from, that woman is the one to get married next.
A Cherry Bloom (Austria)
On Saint Barbara’s Day, December 4th, a single twig from a cherry tree is placed in a glass of water. It is believed that if the blossom blooms before Christmas Eve, then the person will have good luck and a marriage is likely to follow.
An Almond in the Pudding (Sweden)
Everyone loves rice pudding, but single folks especially love it when they find an almond in the Ris a la Malta because it is believed that they will marry within a year.
Drawing Straws (Poland)
During the Christmas Eve Supper, Wigilia, straws would be put under the table cloth to symbolize the birth of Jesus in the manger. Guests are asked to take turns removing a straw. If it is green, the person will get married and if it is white, they will spend another year being single.
Fancy Pants (Italy)
On New Year’s Eve, men and women alike wear colorful underpants to bring themselves good luck for the upcoming year. If you’re hoping to get even luckier, you should definitely make sure that they are clean!
A Well Deserved Rest (Greenland)
Traditionally, Inuit men will only wait on their wives on Christmas Eve. This day is intended to give the Inuit woman a chance to relax, kick her feet up, and have a nice cup of tea. You better not get too used to it, because as soon as Christmas morning rolls around, things go right back to normal. Bummer.
A Dinner for Two at KFC (Japan)
Couples in Japan treat Christmas like it is Valentine’s Day. The most popular way couples celebrate their love is by dining at KFC… Yes, the American fast food chain for fried chicken. It is so popular, that couples must place reservations well in advance.
All around the world, there are traditions that we may not understand, but we aren’t supposed to. These traditions bring their friends and families together much like our own traditions to. One thing can be certain is that everyone is eager to fall in love and maybe hope to get married.