Sorpio Love Horoscope and How to Date Scorpios

Did you know that Scorpios tend to be attractive and flirty when you first meet them, but can also possess traits that make it difficult to have a successful relationship with them? If you did not then you need to rethink everything you think you know about Scorpios, whether that is a prospective love interest in your life, or a more long-term partner. Following this article, you will learn some of the most important traits of a Scorpio that can either be detrimental or enhance your relationship. We will also go over a few of the basic facts about how someone comes to being a Scorpio for those of you that are new to the world of horoscopes.
The Basics to being a Scorpio
When dating a Scorpio or planning to date a Scorpio, you should familiarise yourself with the very basics of what makes someone a Scorpio. If you are already with someone who is a Scorpio, it is very important to check how your zodiac sign correlates to his or hers. If you do not know anything about their star sign however, before your comparison, you should check this quick reference list below first.
• Scorpio Dates: October 23rd to November 21st
• Symbol: Scorpion
• Element: Water
• Planet: Mars and Pluto
• House: Eighth
• Colour: Red and black
The top 5 key traits of a Scorpio you’re looking to date
When you are interested in dating a Scorpio or are already in a relationship with one, you will undoubtedly come across the following top five attributes:
1. Scorpios love to have sex. No, seriously. Scorpios are known for being the most lustful star sign of them all. When you are dating a Scorpio you should know that your sex life would never be lacking or dull and if you cannot keep up then it is more fool you! A Scorpio will definitely leave you in the dust if you cannot fulfil their sexual wants and needs due to their healthy and strong libido.
2. Similarly, to their desire for physical (and sexual) contact, they tend to enjoy physical hobbies such as sports, specifically those that are often described as extreme. Scorpios are people who love a physically demanding hobby and so you are never stuck for a couple’s holiday activity when you are with one of them. Skydiving, skiing and snowboarding are amongst some of the many inspirational ideas for holidays when you are dating or in a relationship with a Scorpio.
3. Passion is another huge trait of the Scorpio and one that is not to be underestimated by any prospective date or current partner. Their passionate nature means that they love hard and they love strong, tending to be extremely emotional people when in a relationship. They can fall hard and fast and will always ache for your touch. Physicality as mentioned above is very important to Scorpios and so their connection with another person they are passionate about can be translated into a literal sense.
4. Scorpios are particularly determined creatures. If they have a goal in mind, you best believe that they will do their damned best to achieve it. If they want something, they will get it and that is oftentimes the end of that! Being determined is great in relationships as you are able to set mutual goals and milestones to achieve together as one cohesive unit. If you are looking to settle down with a Scorpio and they have that goal also in mind, there is no doubt that with in time you’ll have just that.
5. Finally, Scorpios are very loyal to their loved ones. A trait that goes hand in hand with all of the others mentioned on this list. Not only does loyalty prevent jealousy in relationships, it also gives the relationship and those in it respect and security. Loyalty in itself is a highly valued attribute and if you are to bag yourself a Scorpio then you will get all of the other fantastic traits with it.
5 not so great things about dating a Scorpio
However, despite their benefits, Scorpios can come with some other not so nice traits. Those listed below are the most common amongst Scorpios and some of the most common faults that can be detrimental to successful relationships.
1. Scorpios are known for becoming angry quickly and easily. This anger can then oftentimes lead to them feeling vengeful. Crossing a Scorpio can be heavily detrimental to a relationship with one. If you look at their friend in a way that they do not like, even if it is completely innocent, this could ultimately lead to the death of your relationship if you do not handle their emotions in the right way.
2. Despite their passion and loyalty, Scorpios are often secretive with their emotions. Their silent love can be hard to express and comprehend, leading their partners to believe that they are no longer interested in them.
3. With all that determination and passion, naturally Scorpios tend to be stubborn in nature too. This is a hugely common reason as to why many arguments in relationships start, even if they are over insignificant things.
4. They can be self-destructive which is always painful for their loved ones to watch. Their overbearing attitude in this respect means that they often disregard others’ advice even when you do know what is best for them.
5. With all of these strong emotions flowing through the Scorpio body, mind and soul, these individuals tend to be very complicated. This can be hard to handle if you are someone who likes to keep things simple. Their complex morals can contribute to increased arguments.
Quick Advice on Your Personal Approach to Dating a Scorpio
Asking anyone on a date is always nerve-racking and there are things that you can do to help. However, when you ask a Scorpio on a date, you might feel like your heart wants to burst out of your chest. Scorpios can be intimidating, but here are a few key tips to remember when approaching a Scorpio and asking them on a date:
1. Be confident when asking them out.
Scorpios will appreciate a strong and determined individual over someone who seems indecisive and weak. Recognise that if they can see themselves in you that you will stand much more of a chance with them.
2. Sound keen but do not be overly sensitive.
In a similar way to the first note, it is important to know that weakness will deter Scorpios. Therefore, if you are planning to ask one out, you need to ensure you do not send off signals that you are weak and that includes acting too keen too soon. While Scorpios would find your determination and keenness for them attractive, being sensitive is a completely other matter. Do not press them for their feedback on your date or keep asking them how they feel about you.
3. Ask them on a date to do something exciting.
Scorpios love to feel the rush of exhilaration so when going on your first date keep that in mind. Suggest an activity that is a little out of the box. Theme parks are probably one of your best bets, unless you want to keep it classy and go for dinner. Then take your Scorpio date up the tallest building in your city for a thrilling skyline view while you wine and dine.
It is apparent that there is a lot to consider when dating a Scorpio
While their attributes can be a real asset to a relationship, their faults can ultimately land you both in a romantic situation that is toxic. Take time to understand the needs of the Scorpio whether you are currently seeing each other on planning to ask one out on a date.
Keep in mind that a Scorpio is a keen but guarded lover, unwilling to completely open up to you. Pressuring them to put themselves and their emotions on total display to you is an unfair expectation for them. Yet their committed character and dedication to your coupling makes Scorpio love well worth any wait or strain. Scorpios feel real deep connections with their lovers so making time for intimacy while balancing this against too many emotions is very important.
Oftentimes physical connections and simply being with each other is enough for a Scorpio to feel a total bond with you and should be enough for you to understand this bond too. The most important thing to remember is that if you fall for a Scorpio, you should not fret. If you keep all of these things in mind you can have one of the most successful relationships you will ever have.