Does Social Media Cause People to Cheat?

A couple of years ago, there was a survey that suggested that Facebook was responsible for one-third of all divorces in the nation.
Top that off with that whole scandal where a popular dating site that helped spouses cheat, direct messaging on Instagram, the surge in popularity of SnapChat and the growing number of dating apps, we are presented with more opportunities to be unfaithful.
But, simply because we have the ability to cheat thanks to social media, is it responsible or does it make it easier for cheaters to stray? We asked this question to a group of people and here’s what they had to say.
Question: Does Facebook and other social media platforms cause infidelity?
Marc, 34: People are like guns. The gun doesn’t kill people, it’s just an instrument. People are the ones that load it, aim it, and pull the trigger. They are fully aware of what’ll happen when you do these things. Social media isn’t the cause of cheating, people are. They are the ones that make the conscious decision to be unfaithful to their spouse.
Chelsea, 25: I had someone from high school track me down on social media. Things started nicely enough, but it got too intense really quickly. He started looking for me through LinkedIn, so it isn’t just Facebook that this can happen with. All those social media sites have ways to interconnect your accounts. I highly doubt I would have had this sort of run in if he was browsing through piles of phone books looking for me.
Trevor, 41: My ex-wife’s affair started on Facebook. She reconnected with an old college classmate through a page for her college. This led to the affair. I don’t blame Facebook for the affair and the divorce, but it was a tool that was used to make the cheating easier.
Kay, 36: I don’t know if Facebook is the cause of cheating, but it is just a newer method of cheating. It’s not surprising at all that Facebook was cited as a reason for divorce. There’s physical, written proof of the infidelity that can be used in court cases. Before it used to be love letters, now it’s instant messages, emails, and comments.
Lucas, 30: I found out my fiancé was still talking to her ex-boyfriend just by reading what he would write on her pictures and wall.
Francine, 43: It isn’t the cause, but it’s just another way of facilitating it. We can start off as friends, but it’s easy to evolve to something more — especially when private messages are being exchanged. It’s an easy way for people to form a bond with one another and over time, it’ll become something more than just friends.
Shelly, 51: I’ve been around for a while and have had my fair share of relationships. My ex-wife was younger than me, and she was pretty savvy with the internet and social media, whereas I was not. Because of this, she was able to have countless affairs, and I had no idea because I wasn’t online to see what she was saying to other people and what was being said to her. Needless to say, I’m on social media now, and I’m more aware of my partner’s online interactions.