Simple and Effective Ways to Impress a Woman

Fellas, you’ve all been there a time or two when you’ve spotted a nice looking woman that you would love to get to know. You may have even tried talking to her, but she paid no attention to you — or worse, she told you to buzz off. Yeah, rejection sucks and it definitely puts things into perspective and makes you think about how you’re coming off to the ladies.
Well, stop wasting your time on lame pick-up lines because they rarely work. We have compiled a list of simple things that will help you impress the ladies and win the date of your dream.
1. Dress Right
You probably wouldn’t pay much attention to a woman who looks like she just rolled out of bed, right? Well it’s a two way street. If you want women to give you a second glance, you’ve got to look your best and smell good. Showering, shaving (or at least keeping the facial hair from being unruly), and wearing clothes that both fit and look good, you are showing her that you’re a mature man who takes pride in how he looks and is capable of caring for himself.
- Your daily grooming routine should consist of:
- A daily shower, preferably in the morning so that you are fresh and clean. Avoid feminine shower gels and stick to something neutral like aloe or spring fresh.
- Brush your teeth twice a day. If you want a woman to kiss you, you don’t want to scare her away with cigarette breath or lingering garlic from lunch.
- Tame that facial hair. Trim the moustache and beard so that it looks neat and uniform. If you have a unibrow, perhaps you may want to pluck those strays.
- 3 squirts of cologne, max.
Another tip, take notice of the kind of clothes she wears. If she wears business casual clothes on the regular, be sure to wear nice pants and a polo. If she wears jeans and t-shirts, feel free to follow suit. By honing in on her style, it will help her feel like you have something in common with one another.
2. Mind Your Manners
Contrary to popular belief, manners does not mean you are a dull person — it just means you were raised right and you know how to treat people with the respect they deserve. Most of all, you know how to treat a woman, especially a woman that you are interested in. Just keep in mind, good manners shouldn’t be reserved just for women — be polite to everyone.
3. Mind Your Words
In the heat of the moment, we tend to say things before thoroughly thinking about the consequences of those words. Next time you are going to say something to anyone, especially the woman you are interested in, pause and take a few moments to think about what you are going to say. Also:
Do not hit on other women while in front of the woman you are trying to talk to. You might think that by making her jealous will win her over, when in reality it will just think you are a player and will distance herself from you.
Do not act like a bully. Sure, you may think it is harmless to tease her about her shoes or what she does for a living, but the truth is, these kinds of comments hurt and they make the woman wonder why she is even wasting her time with a jerk.
Keep the jokes PG13. While you may think it is fun to tell a woman a naughty joke, and some will join in, it is best to leave those naughtier jokes for a later time, long after you know each other better.
4. Be Sincere When Complimenting Her
It is no secret that women like to be complimented, it’s a nice little unexpected boost to their day and they can spot a sincere one from a forced platitude any day. So if you want to really to impress her, think of a genuine compliment to give her. Unsure what to say? Think of something about her that you like the most. If she has a dazzling smile, tell her!
5. Show Her That She is Special
This woman that caught your eye has to be something special if she caught your attention. Whether she has a beautiful laugh or she is an extraordinary singer, if you want to show her that you appreciate her and think she is special, let her know. Chances are she will be flattered and impressed that you had the guts to even tell her.
Just keep in mind a few things of not to do when you are trying to talk to her.
Never play hard to get. It isn’t cute and it sends her mixed signals. If she calls you, make sure you call her back. A woman who is interested in you will want to talk to you, and because you are interested, you will definitely want to pick up the phone when she calls, or call back in a timely manner.
Never keep the focus on you while engaging in a conversation. The point of talking to her is to get to know her! And you can’t really do that if you keep the conversation focused on yourself. Instead, keep asking her questions about her life and interests — just don’t ask questions that are too personal. That gets creepy and is definitely a turn off.
Trying to impress a woman that you are interested in isn’t as difficult as some would lead you to believe. Simply be a gentleman and show her that you will be able to treat her right. Let her know that she is special and you’d love to get to know her. Women may seem like fickle creatures, but in all honesty, they just want someone to see them and appreciate who they are and what they do. After all, isn’t that what we all want?