Text Messages to Make Him Fall in Love with You

Text messaging is now the preferred method of communication for many. Whether it’s a What’s App, Snapchat, Facebook Messenger, an online dating app or another preferred method of messaging there are so many options.
Of course, there are some methods that make it easier than others to tell when the messages were read and whether the guy is online, which can often cause more problems than waiting for a guy to call but there is a means to ensure that your texts make him smile and that your texts make him think about you. It’s even possible to send teasing text messages to a guy and make him wild. We take a look at online dating message tips and how you can get it right.
How to make a guy obsessed with you over text
The key to making a guy obsessed is to make sure that your texts make him smile and that they let him know that you are thinking about him and leave him wanting more. Of course, there is the danger of overdoing it and bombarding him with messages so you need to ensure that you strike the right balance. Not every guy likes texting or has time for it so you need to make sure that you are doing just enough. How are you going to make your messages stand out from the others he may be receiving?
How to make him miss you through text
While women are often better communicators than men and have more time for texting, men can be encouraged to get into online messaging if there is something they want from it. If you are trying to send texts to make him miss you then you need to give him reasons to miss you. Don’t reply straight away to every single text. That just makes it too easy and almost like you have nothing else to do. If you can see he has messaged you go off and do something else for an hour and then reply a bit later. Leave him wanting more and don’t make it too easy!
How to win a guy over through text
Don’t send emojis. Most guys consider them to be for 16-year-olds and they won’t be considering you sexy or attractive if you send rainbows and unicorns. Your texts need to be sexy, grown up, mature yet playful. Consider your use of kisses as well. Don’t end it with lots of kisses, in fact, don’t use kisses yet… make them wait for that. Also, don’t use swear words, it may be common place for you to swear with your friends or you may be a person that likes to cuss a lot but don’t swear in your messages, keep it ladylike.
Text messages to make him fall in love
If you want to make him fall for you then need to follow the principles of how to make a guy fall in love with you. You need to stand out from the other girls that have tried and failed to get his attention. Rather than the usual ‘hello’ greeting message, try being quirky with a random question or something that appeals to his sense of humor. Get his attention and make him look forward to reading your messages. Asks questions – people love to talk about themselves so make sure you give him the opportunity to do so and be interested in him. Talk in full sentences and not just one-word answers – this will shut a conversation down quickly.
How to make a guy want you bad over text
It’s the way you word your messages. You might be prim and proper and not very confident when it comes to texting but men can certainly do the whole dirty text thing! Try speaking their language. While you don’t have to resort to filth, some sexy, flirty and suggestive messages are sure to make him want you. Also, leave him wanting more… don’t give it everything you’ve got too soon.
Text to make him think about you
If you want him to think about you, you don’t have to text every two minutes. If you are one of those that likes to have the last word or feels like you should reply to every single message, then you are soon going to turn him off. You need to leave some gaps between messages so that he can’t wait to get the next message from you. Don’t leave it more than a few hours though or your conversation may get lost in the moment.
What to text a guy to make him smile
Now, what to is going to require you getting to know what he likes a little. If he is the sort that is quite masculine and forward then it may need to be a flirty, sexy message. If he is hooked then pretty much anything you send is going to make him smile. Sometimes something that has made you laugh online can be forwarded to them to raise a smile but we aren’t suggesting you send every single meme you come across. This will soon get annoying. It is also going to rely on you having a similar sense of humor. We strongly advise against sending “I love you” though if you are still at the online messaging stage.
There are so many rules that can be applied to online dating messages. In principle, though you need to leave him wanting more by making sure that you are available but only when you want to be. Don’t feel like you need to be on the end of the phone every 5 minutes. You will soon get fed up with that and you might start to look like you have nothing else to do. If you are too keen or too available then the thrill of the chase soon dissipates. Also, remember that often guys don’t like to text as much and that they aren’t as chatty as women can be. They don’t have time to hear about what your friend said or what you had for breakfast – they have other things on their mind. Be sparing with your messages but not aloof. Before you know it, your text messages will have him falling head over heels for you.