The Signs He Doesn’t Want a Serious Relationship with You

Dating a man who likes you but doesn’t want a serious relationship can be incredibly confusing and emotionally draining if you like him too but do want commitment. If you have been on a number of dates with a guy and maybe even been intimate with him but he doesn’t seem eager to push things forward and get serious, you may need to identify the reasons for his behaviour and try and find out what he really wants from all of this. In this article, we will look at signs a man isn’t taking the relationship seriously and talk about how to work out what to do next. If a man says he likes you but he doesn’t want a relationship and you do, what does he like about you? Does he seem genuinely interested in you as a person or does he swiftly disappear once the physical fun is over?
Does he want a relationship? Friends and family
Once you have been dating a guy for a while, you may wish to start planning things like holidays and meeting each other’s families. You may have even considered moving in together. If your guy keeps changing the subject or doesn’t seem particularly enthusiastic about any of these ideas, he may be unwilling to take things further. However, you may find it difficult to get him to talk about his real feelings on these subjects and you may get the sense that he is pretending to go along with things without any real intention of seeing them through.
Why doesn’t he want me – blowing hot and cold
Commitment-phobic guys are often hot and cold when it comes to communication. They won’t initiate contact as much as you and you may not hear from them for days if you stop firing up new conversations. They may even take days to reply to your messages. If you have found yourself on the receiving end of this behaviour, there’s a chance you are being used as a “back burner” in case he can’t make things work with someone else he is attracted to. When he is not conversing with you for long periods of time, this could be because he is chatting and flirting with another potential partner. The vast majority of people are incredibly eager to keep the conversation flowing in the early stages of a relationship, so if he doesn’t seem too willing to talk, this may be a sign you are not a priority for him.
Signs he doesn’t like you – cancellations and emotional distance
Does your guy keep canceling things that you have planned together? Does he seem really into you one minute then unengaged the next? These could be signs that he is not worthy of your time and energy. If he doesn’t seem hugely enthusiastic about the relationship now, it’s likely that he will become increasingly distant further down the line if you don’t end things now. Cut your losses and seek out someone that can’t wait to hear from you!
More signs he doesn’t want a relationship
Have you made plans to introduce each other to your friends and family members? This doesn’t have to happen right away, but if you have constantly brought the subject up and he seems to have come with excuse after excuse, he may be trying to postpone it indefinitely. If he seems unwilling to introduce you to his parents, this could be because he is embarrassed by them but can also mean he doesn’t want to get too serious and take things to the next level. You may also wish to look elsewhere if he seems closed emotionally and refuses to talk to you about his life and experiences leading up to meeting you.
What to do if he says he doesn’t want a relationship
If he says he doesn’t want a relationship, you have a few options available to you. You can either continue as you are without fully committing to each other or you can walk away. If you are considering opting for the first choice but do have strong feelings for him, it may be best to simply end things instead and seek out someone who does feel the same way about you and wants to be in a relationship with you. It may also be wise to break off all contact so you can stop thinking about him so much and try to move forward. You don’t need to be constantly reminded of someone who has rejected the idea of committing to you.
Why does he keep coming back if he doesn’t want a relationship?
You may also wish to pursue other avenues if you constantly seem to come last after not only work but their social life and hobbies too. There may be many things he wishes to achieve before he commits to a serious relationship and may simply not be ready to take things to the next level. Maybe your man is highly enthusiastic in the bedroom but rarely as involved outside of it? If he doesn’t seem to want to talk to you after sex, don’t let yourself be used. Many men find it easy to be physically intimate with people they don’t feel emotionally connected to, so try not to mistake his lust for real emotional passion. Sex is an important part of most relationships, but it is not meant to define them. Other signs that a man is not ready for a serious relationship with you include a lack of effort when it comes to making you happy, taking a backseat whilst you arrange things to see and do together, refusal to refer to you as his girlfriend or partner and constantly talking about his ex.
If you have spotted one or more of these signs, there’s a big chance your time and efforts may be better spent elsewhere. The more signs you can identify, the wise it is to evaluate where your relationship is going and whether there is any real future in it. Even if you enjoy his company, you may have good reasons to think that he doesn’t feel the same way. Your partner should enjoy your company as much as you enjoy his. Things are much likely to get worse further down the road if you keep the relationship going and he continues to take you for granted or simply doesn’t become any more engaged. Though it might seem painful to end things now, you will thank yourself in the long run.
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