Good Profile Picture Ideas for Guys

Whenever you’re dating online, it is important to create an engaging, interesting and thoughtful profile that clearly displays who you are and what you’re looking for in a partner. Women who see your profile need to know from a quick snapshot whether you’re the kind of guy they want to date, but sadly just writing a witty, intriguing and charming personal description isn’t going to secure your dates. Looks aren’t everything – and you by no means must be a Greek Adonis to meet amazing women – but there must be an element of physical attraction present to consider dating. Considering this, taking and uploading the best dating pictures for your profile will help immensely, but where do you start? We provide you with some ideas for awesome profile pictures for guys and how to take a brilliant photo, so that you can wow the women on your dating platform in all areas.
The Best Profile Pictures for Guys

Most men are instantly searching for physical features they find attractive when looking for a partner whereas a woman will want to know from the start whether you’re going to be compatible on an emotional level. Considering this, you want to take a photo that represents who you are and what you do, so that from a quick glance the women you’re trying to attract know what kind of person you are and whether they’re interested. So, think about photos that display things, such as:
If you’re interested in physical activities, such as cycling or horse riding, then consider snapping your profile picture while you’re out doing these activities. Not only does this show women who’re looking at your profile that you’re active, but that you have hobbies and interests that you can talk about or bond over. Furthermore, you’re more likely to not stress over the photo you’re taking, so your natural looks can take over and woo for you.
With Family or Friends
Presenting women with a photo that displays you at various social events with other people shows them that you have healthy relationships with others and have a healthy social life. It also shows that you are good at communication and maintaining close relationships with others which is incredibly important if you want to enter a long-lasting relationship with someone.
Full Body Shots
You don’t have to strip down to your undies or display anything intimate, but women like to see what they’re working with when they’re looking to date. Whether it’s a rock climbing shot before you ascend or a mature photo of you in a suit, you’ll sure to be a hit on your chosen dating site when you have a photo of your entire body.
If you have a forward-facing shot, then it is best to choose one where you’re smiling. It’ll light-up all the features of your face and make you seem more approachable, friendly and charming. A neutral or natural expression can seem grumpy or aggressive in a shot when you’re looking at the camera, so put on your best smile!
How to Take the Best Dating Profile Pictures for Guys

You don’t have to get headshots done or head down to the studio to get a fantastic profile picture. In fact, women are more likely to approach you online when you’re using a more natural photo that displays the above, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to ensure it is a good quality photo. Follow the tips below and you’re sure to wow the ladies on your chosen dating site!
Wherever and whenever you take your profile shots, you want to ensure that you’re in a well-lit environment without too much exposure. If you’re outside, then avoid taking profile pictures at midday and instead opt for a picture taken closer to sunrise or sunset. These times are referred to as the golden hour, meaning you’ll take a photo that has the best lighting possible. If you’re inside, then avoid taking your profile picture in harsh or unflattering lighting. Try to position yourself where the light is in front of you and not to the side – this works for both outdoor and indoor shots.
Take Multiple Shots
Even an amateur photographer will tell you that you never get the perfect shot on the first try, so don’t be afraid to play around with it. Take the same photo from different angles or mix-up your position to try and get the most flattering picture possible.
Do Something with Your Hands
If your arms are just hanging limply to the side, then your photo can look stale and undynamic as it doesn’t appear to have any movement. Feel free to place them on an object or elegantly in your pockets to create more movement within the photo.
Loosen Up
You’ll be surprised by how tense you can look in a photo if you don’t loosen your body up first. Try to relax and go with the flow as your photo will appear more natural and effortless if you do so. Furthermore, the feeling of tension will carry over and make you seem rigid or uptight to the women looking at your profile picture.
So, with these tips and tricks for dating profile pictures for guys you’ll be able to create the most stunning shots to woo the women you want to date online. Remember to let your personality and life shine through with every photo as that is what the women who’re looking online for love will be interested in finding out. As they say, ‘a picture is worth a thousand words,’ so communicate your message clearly through your profile picture and you’re bound to get tons of messages from available women in the future.