How to Meet People in Adelaide, Australia

It might seem like living in a vibrant city means that meeting other singles should be really easy, but that’s not always the case, especially if you’re the last single one among your friends and your former wingman or woman is at home with their family. There are ways that you can get yourself out there without feeling totally conspicuous by yourself and meet new, like-minded people, and we’ve put together a list of suggestions to help you on your way:
Join a Walking Group

Adelaide is such a beautiful place which offers city, coastlines, parkland and everything in-between which makes it a wonderful place to go for walks. There’s actually a thriving community of walkers in Adelaide with many meeting up on a weekly basis to walk together, getting some exercise, fresh-air and social interaction and joining one of these groups could be a great way to meet someone without needing a stiff drink.
Take a Class

Evening classes are usually jam-packed with other singletons, looking to do something productive with their evenings. Take a class which interests you and you might well find you click with one of your classmates. Even if you don’t, you’ll make a bunch of new friends, each of whom is a potential link and introduction to one of their own single friends or siblings!
Go Places by Yourself

Doing things by yourself can seem incredibly daunting to a lot of people, however it’s a lot easier to approach someone who’s by themself than standing in the middle of a group. We’re not suggesting Friday night drinks on your own, but go to a gallery, go for coffee, take a stroll through a market and you might find yourself being open to communication from people you meet along the way.
Get a Hobby

If you want to do something new but don’t want the formality of night school, why not take up a hobby? Painting clubs, sewing bees, poetry evenings and cooking groups are all great places to meet someone new and you’ll be honing your chosen skill in the meantime – Win/Win!
Play a Sport

Sport is a great pastime for SO many reasons. As well as staying fit or even improving your health, exercise releases happy hormones which will improve your mood and make you an even more approachable person. The gym is usually a rich source of other single people, as are parks and other sport venues and you’ll massively improve your chances of meeting someone if you spend some time there.