Putting a Smile on His Face: Good Morning Texts for Your Boyfriend

If you’ve had a great time the night before and want to ensure you maintain the positive mood, cute goodmorning texts for your boyfriend will make his day. The power is in your hands (or at your fingertips) to send an uplifting morning text to your boyfriend to make him smile.
Appreciating how to say goodmorning to your boyfriend
There’s nothing quite like morning love. Say you’ve had a fabulous time the night before, perhaps at a wonderful restaurant or dancing the night away at some club. You’ll still be on an emotional high which is why it’s so important to be able to transmit these feelings by sending texts to make him smile in the morning. You don’t have to write a lot, it’s quality, not quantity that counts. But with a modicum of romance and a slice of creativity, you can condense the electricity you’re still feeling into a couple of paragraphs.
Tell him how much you’re missing him, even if you’ve only been parted for a matter of hours. The key to his happiness and contentment? Have a wake-up text for him as his alarm call. As he slumbers there, perhaps dreaming about your time together, rather than being jolted out of his sweet dreams by his annoying alarm ring, imagine how overjoyed he would be to hear his text trilling, and then reading your morning message?
Examples of sweet good morning texts for him
There are many ways you can express your innermost feelings. You could get straight to the point. ‘When I woke up a moment ago, you were the first though which sprung into my mind. I just had to share this with you.’ You could also go down the route of appealing to his senses. Send him a link to that song you were dancing to last night or listening to in the bar. You could be especially creative and compile a short playlist of romantic tunes for him to stream as he’s getting ready for his day.
That’s the beauty of harnessing technological possibilities. You could send long good morning texts for him, or you could simply let the music do the talking. While he’s shaving or making his breakfast, he could be playing your link in the background, being reminded of you while he goes about his business. Of course, this doesn’t have to be restricted to the period he spends at home. He could take your morning text and your playlist with him, throughout his commute, and then as listening material when he’s enjoying his coffee break or lunch hour.
Unleashing those sexy good morning texts for him
Composing meaningful good morning texts to send to your boyfriend is one thing. But you can also make the most of the available shorthand. There’s an old adage about a picture being worth a thousand words. How to say good morning to your boyfriend in a really poignant way? Picture his face lighting up if you don’t even resort to words, but simply adorn your wake up text for him with suitably sensual emoticons, like hearts and kisses.
Basically, what you’re doing here is the virtual equivalent of firing Cupid’s arrow. When it comes to diverting his attention, you’re sending a graphic missile to puncture his heart. How about some other tips about morning texts to send to your boyfriend? Why not include a selfie, taken as you’re about to tumble out of bed yourself, all sleepy and messy-haired. When he receives that particular message in the palm of his hand, the message is so obvious. And if he’s switched on to you, he’ll be understanding exactly what you’re hinting at. You’re sending a text which is saying, ‘wish you were here with me, right now.’
Unusual ways to say good morning to him
Women looking to give men good dating texts can think outside the box. This should be about so much more than sending a text to let him know you’re thinking about him. You can tease him a little. You could post a photo of some sexy lingerie you bought recently and ask if he’d like to be there when you unwrap this incendiary package?
Look upon your good morning text as romantic entertainment as much as a way of touching base. How about composing a few sentences in a foreign language, perhaps containing some explicit hints about what you’d love to do next time you’re alone together? Choose an obscure option, like Irish Gaelic or Finnish (making full use of your search engine’s translate option.) Then imagine his face as he does this in reverse, translating what you’ve actually written in your good morning text. Some guys appreciate a direct message, but if you can give the impression you’re toying with him a little, he’ll love you even more!
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