Top Tips for Dating a Shy Guy

Dating a shy guy can be challenging, but it can also be a fun and enjoyable experience that’s full of sweet and romantic moments. Shy men might not have bags of confidence and self-assuredness, but they have many other great qualities that make them excellent boyfriends. Read on to find out more about going out with a shy man.
Shy guy characteristics that make them good boyfriends
There are so many reasons why dating a shy guy is a great idea. One of the biggest benefits is that they’re usually great listeners. Rather than dominating the conversation as many confident men might do, they’re happy to sit back and listen attentively to what you have to say. So if you’ve had enough of dating men who can’t stop talking about themselves and how amazing they are, it could be time to try shy guy dating. When dating an introverted man, you’ll have many opportunities to talk about your life, and what’s more is that you know he’ll be listening too. Just remember to ask him questions to try and get him to open up, as he’s unlikely to do it voluntarily.
Signs a shy guy like you
With confident guys, you can usually tell if they like you. They will make it obvious, maybe even telling you outright that they want to date you. Unfortunately, with a shy man, the signs may be a little less clear. He will be unlikely to express his feelings to you, especially if he’s unaware that you like him too, and may even keep his distance if he’s feeling awkward around you. He’s scared of confrontation and rejection and will go out of his way to avoid being hurt. If he’s suddenly avoiding you and you’re not sure why, there’s a good chance he’s developed feelings for you. Another big sign that he’s falling for you is that he looks at you when you’re not looking. A shy guy won’t want you to catch him gazing in your direction, and so he admires you from afar. Subtle eye contact can indicate his interest in you.
How to date a shy man

Dating a shy man comes with its challenges, particularly if you’re not particularly outgoing yourself. He’s not the most talkative man, or the most confident. He’s probably not even the most handsome. But shy guys are endearing and mysterious, and they can make excellent partners. Here’s some expert advice on how to date a shy guy.
Don’t expect him to make all the plans
If you’ve finally managed to get yourself a date with that cute shy boy you’ve been lusting after for months, well done! But don’t expect him to make all the plans. Shy guys rarely take the lead, lacking the confidence to do so. Whilst an extroverted man might go ahead and book a restaurant he thinks you will like, a shy guy is more likely to ask you where you would prefer to go. This means you should be prepared to take the initiative and suggest somewhere for your date.
Boost his confidence before your date
Chances are he’ll be extremely nervous before your date, and this can lead to an awkward encounter. To help calm him down and reduce his anxiety, why not give his confidence a boost beforehand? One way you could do this is by sending him a text telling him how much you’re looking forward to seeing him. Alternatively, you could send him a message on Facebook showing how excited you are. Shy guys are cute, but they’re also full of nervous energy, so it’s up to you to help him relax before your date.
Avoid wearing revealing clothes
Whilst it’s natural to want to look your hottest when dating a guy you like, you may want to avoid showing too much flesh when dating the shy guy. It’s possible that he’ll feel somewhat intimidated by how amazing you look, as he probably lacks confidence in his own appearance. This can lead to him feeling very nervous on the date. The pressure of dating a stunning girl like you is difficult to handle for any guy, but for sweet and shy guys, it’s even more challenging. Ditch the skimpy dresses with plunging necklines until he’s become more confident around you.
Compliment him

Tall shy guys are seriously lacking in confidence and self-belief, so if you want to put him at ease on your date, it’s a good idea to compliment him. Let him know just how happy you are to be spending time with him and tell him how hot or funny he is. With other guys, you might wait for them to compliment you first, but you may be waiting a long time with a shy guy. He might well think to himself that you’re beautiful, but he probably won’t have the courage to tell you. Don’t worry though, he will begin to open up to you eventually.
Don’t be too flirty on the first date
You may naturally want to place your hand on a guy’s leg when you’re chatting and joking, but this may be a bad move with a shy man. He’ll be feeling awkward enough as it is, so being too touchy-feely with him could make him far too nervous. Avoid flirting too much on the first date, and don’t think he will sleep with you at this early stage. Sex with shy guy is likely to be very sweet and romantic, but you may have to wait a while until he feels more relaxed with you. Shy guy sex will be worth the wait, so don’t give up on him.
Shy guys are often ignored by girls in favour of more confident, self-assured men, and this is a real shame. Dating a quiet guy is fun and enjoyable, and what’s more is that it could lead to a loving and committed relationship. A shy guy is quiet but very thoughtful, caring and considerate. He’s also aloof and awkward, but he soon relaxes in the company of a woman he cares about. What’s more is that he has no interest in playing the field and is very much a one-woman man. Hopefully, these shy guy dating tips will help you to make the most out of dating a wonderful shy man.
Note for guys: find out how to stop being so shy around attractive women in our blog!